Monday, May 9, 2011

Book Cover Redesign

I was still not convinced it was abstract enough so I came up with his design. The design stayed true to my sketch however, I felt like there is something missing in the design. In the future I would play around with more color, create another abstract camera, and play around with the abstract pencils.

However the camera was not abstract so I played around with the different filters to turn the camera into something that was abstract.

It was my first time designing with Photoshop so in order to learn the program I researched different tutorials. I found a tutorial that taught me how to create a camera.

. I liked the idea of creating an abstract camera and pencils since that is what stood out to me the most about the book were all the pictures that showed different examples of graphic design. I wanted a camera to represent that and I wanted to make the camera abstract to show that there are different ways that you can do to change a picture. I wanted the pencils to represent that in order to start a design you have to sketch it out first. Also, in order to come up with a good design you need to know the basic design principles, which are covered in the book. 

I started sketching out different ideas about what was in the contents of the book. 

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