Monday, May 9, 2011

Form Matches Content

I decided to give the background an old western feel that ties it with the word cowboy. For the edges I used the burn tool and decided to use the burn tool for my name as well. Using the burn tool on my name tied it into the design.

I think I did a good job creating a design for the words cowboy, migrate, and opulent. However, I had a bit of trouble figuring out what kind of design or texture to give my name. I think coloring my name in red and giving it a purple pattern made my name stand out too much from the design. Also, I think the design needed to have some kind of background.

For this assignment I had to create a design using four words: cowboy, migrate, opulent, and my name. The four words need to be designed together residing within a single picture plan.The overall look needs to take place at the beginning of the assignment not the end, so I started sketching out different ideas for each word.

For this assignment I had to create a design using four words: cowboy, migrate, opulent, and my name. The four words need to be designed together residing within a single picture plan.The overall look needs to take place at the beginning of the assignment not the end, so I started sketching out different ideas for each word.

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